Established in 1987, B&D produces products under Nippy brand and is claimed to be the only UK-based manufacturer of ventilators.

B&D co-founder Peter Bachelor said: "Breas and B&D are a great fit and we look forward to working with the Breas team to build on the strong NIPPY brand that we helped create."

Breas Medical president and CEO Nicke Svanvik said that both companies started at nearly the same time and each grew thanks to customer focused innovation, quality products, passion for our customers and patients, as well as an entrepreneurial spirit.

"We will continue to grow as a combined business under those same core values. Furthermore, our Breas customers in the UK can now benefit from our expanded capabilities and B&Ds excellent customer support and service," Svanvik added.

Breas, along with B&D, will also sell sleep apnea devices, including the Z1, which is said to be the world’s smallest and lightest CPAP machine.

Currently, Z1 CPAP device is available in the US, Europe, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Chile, Malaysia, and Hong Kong.