The RapidFire 300 expands the in vitro ADME applications of the platform beyond drug-drug interaction (DDI) screening. DDI was first launched two years ago on the RapidFire 200 system and is used by numerous pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to provide high quality DDI data at record throughput. This latest addition to the RapidFire screening tool kit will be introduced at the American Society for Mass Spectrometry’s (ASMS) 57th Annual Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 31-June 4.

As the newest addition to the RapidFire instrumentation portfolio, the RapidFire 300 system enables researchers to perform a wide range of in vitro ADME assays with 24-hour, unattended operation. The RapidFire-MS system streamlines drug discovery workflow, significantly decreasing the processing time compared to conventional MS-based technologies and helps to eliminate bottlenecks in drug discovery while providing accurate results for data-driven decision making. RapidFire 300 can fully integrate with any manufacturer’s triple quadrupole mass spectrometer and provide data compatible with customers’ existing laboratory information management systems.

“ADME data is critical in all phases of a fully integrated drug development program but data in the lead discovery stage was previously limited by time and labor intensive screening platforms,” said Can “Jon” Özbal, Ph.D., Vice President and General Manager, BioTrove RapidFire Business Unit. “RapidFire 300 was developed to meet investigators’ demand for high quality in vitro ADME data with a short turnaround time.”

The RapidFire 300 system can be used for a variety of in vitro ADME applications, including: CYP Inhibition,Metabolic Stability,P-Glycoprotein Inhibition, Plasma Protein Binding, Permeability Assays – Caco, PAMPA and CYP Induction