Peconic Bay Medical Center Home Health Services will undertake an assessment of the application and processes of remote patient monitoring of both acute post-discharge and long-term cases.
The initial focus will be on a ‘Health at Home’ program for remote monitoring of patients with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory disease to support Peconic’s commitment to maximize the health, comfort, mobility, and independence of each and every patient through direct skilled care and education.
Initially, Peconic will deploy short-term remote monitoring that will serve acute post-discharge patients, to service the needs of chronic patients, including the need for self-management.
Under the agreement, Peconic will use Biosign’s Healthanywhere to provide a sustainable ‘Health at Home’ solution for short-term remote monitoring of post-discharge patients with a baseline of vital signs for participating patients.
Biosign’s Healthanywhere will also be utilized for trending the health impact of remote monitoring, education, and behavioral changes affected by the program.