The verdict was awarded by the US District Court for the District of Delaware, confirming the validity of an infringed claim of B Braun‘s 2007 patent (US Patent 7,264,613) for its Introcan Safety IV Catheter.

Introcan Safety IV Catheter is a passive, fully automatic safety device, designed to help protect against accidental needlestick injuries (NSIs).

B Braun sued Terumo in May 2009 for infringement of its Introcan Safety patent by selling Terumo’s Surshield Safety IV Catheter and will seek damages and other relief for Terumo’s infringement.

A recent landmark study conducted by GERES (Groupe d’Etude sur le Risque d’Exposition des Soignants) of 22 million safety devices used in 61 French hospitals over a two-year period has confirmed the theory that passive, fully automatic safety devices like B Braun’s Introcan Safety IV Catheter offer significantly better protection against NSIs than early generation active safety technologies such as semi-automatic (push-button) devices or those with manually sliding shields or hinged caps.