For over four years, Post-Op Px has integrated tissue, clinical and molecular information to enable physicians and their patients to make more informed decisions about post-surgical, adjuvant therapies. In addition, Aureon’s other commercially available prognostic test, Prostate Px+, has been launched in 2008 and uses biopsy tissue to predict disease progression (metastasis, progression through a castrate state) at diagnosis, prior to treatment.
Post-Op Px is a prognostic test that utilises a patented systems pathology approach to analyse prostatectomy tissue by combining cellular, molecular and clinical information to provide a thorough and more accurate picture of each patient’s individual risk.
Aureon’s Post-Op Px is based on data from a cohort of 758 patients and is supported by peer-reviewed research papers in the Journal of Clinical Oncology and the Journal of Clinical Investigation. In addition, at the recent International Robotic Urology Symposium (IRUS) in Las Vegas, Aureon has presented new data that demonstrated Post-Op Px is more accurate at predicting prostate cancer disease progression following prostatectomy than histology-based high-risk features such as extracapsular extension or positive surgical margins.
Robert Shovlin, president and CEO of Aureon Laboratories, said: “We’re excited to announce the new name for our post-prostatectomy test and believe Post-Op Px better reflects its clinical utility in the marketplace. Aureon’s prognostic tests have been well received in the marketplace and we plan to extend and expand test capabilities in the future.”