As per the contract, the company will perform studies for assessing the use of the Silverlon brand burn and wound trauma dressings for potential use on patients affected by exposure to ionizing radiation and from chemical burns resulting from exposure to vesicant chemical weapons such as sulfur mustard.

The two year contract is valued at $7.8m and it can be extended for additional three years, subject to the completion of critical milestones.

BARDA’s contract will fund the required research for Argentum Medical to generate the data needed to complete the US Food and Drug Administration approval process for two new indications for Silverlon burn and wound trauma dressings.

Argentum Medical president and CEO Raul Brizuela noted the company is confident that its research will demonstrate Silverlon is safe and effective for the indication for use on radiation and chemical burns.

"The BARDA contract recognizes the prospect for Silverlon’s use in complex traumatic injuries. We are honored to be part of this important countermeasures initiative and for our role in assisting the injured in a time of great need," Brizuela added.

This project has been funded with federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services; Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response; Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority.