The company claims that these kits are the latest additions to the Applied Biosystems leading-edge portfolio of validated human identification workflow solutions, including genetic analyzers, reagent kits, PCR and Real-Time PCR systems and software applications.

The Identifiler Direct Kit eliminates the entire step of DNA extraction and purification for single source samples on standard FTA cards, dramatically simplifying the processing workflow and automation requirements as well as accelerating testing by as much as 30%.

The Identifiler Plus Kit, which applies next-generation PCR amplification technology to provide enhanced sensitivity, improved performance on mixtures and the ability to overcome high levels of PCR inhibitors. This will help enable forensic analysts to recover more interpretable results from a wider range of DNA evidence samples.

The NGM Kit (Next Generation Multiplex), which includes the five new genetic markers recommended by the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) and the European DNA Profiling Group (EDNAP) to provide powerful discrimination and support European cross-border data sharing initiatives. This new kit also provides the highest level of data quality and robustness for improved recovery of results from challenging samples.