Definiens Tissue Studio automatically detects regions of interest within a tissue sample and quantifies these regions on a cell-by-cell basis.

In addition to classifications such as staining intensity and cell counts, the software quantifies individual cellular morphological characteristics such as circularity, elliptical fit, area, length, width and distance to tumor border which helps to measure nuclear, cytoplasmic, and membrane biomarkers.

Additionally, it allows users to create completely new features offering virtually unlimited quantification related to biomarker expression and tissue morphology.

Image analysis provides automated quantitative analytical techniques to help pathologists interpret pathology slides, which informs treatment decisions and improves patient care.

Definiens Tissue Studio will be integrated into Aperio’s applications framework and accessible through its Spectrum information management system to expand the existing suite of image analysis tools that include Area Quantification, Cell Quantification, Microvessel Analysis, Rare Event Detection and Genie Histology Pattern Recognition.

The Spectrum system includes viewing tools and enables the execution of analysis applications in a distributed environment for maximum throughput.