MediTouch is an EHR used by physicians and is designed for practices of all sizes. HealthFusion claimed that the software offers intuitive and touch screen charting interface and works on any computer, from a desktop or tablet to the new touch screen iPad.

The EHR is fully integrated with HealthFusion’s Practice Management and Clearinghouse solutions and includes a built-in Osteopathic module. It also may be integrated with the AOA’s Clinical Assessment Program (CAP), a Web based performance measurement and quality improvement program for osteopathic physicians (DOs).

HealthFusion’s Stimulus Ready MediTouch EHR expects to assist physicians in complying with meaningful use regulations issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the National Coordinator.

The issuance is in order to qualify for the $44,000 Medicare or $64,000 Medicaid cash bonuses established in the 2009 Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, which is part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Karen Nichols, president of AOA, said: “With the vast number of systems coming onto the market, selecting the right EHR is critical for our physicians not only to secure federal stimulus funds, but to assist our members in improving the daily practice of medicine, including workflow and quality of care.

“We are impressed with HealthFusion’s MediTouch because of its ease of use, affordable cost, and excellent customer support.”

Sol Lizerbram, chairman of HealthFusion, said: “Most EHR systems are very rigid, forcing physicians to follow inefficient templates. They often have to leave the room to access a patient’s records or enter data on a stationary computer.

“HealthFusion consulted with physicians nationwide to create the easiest, most cost-effective, and efficient EHR on the market. MediTouch anticipates physician practice patterns within a flexible framework for quick, customized charting. The simple touch screen allows you to maintain eye contact with patients while digitally charting with your fingertip, which is actually faster than writing.”