Nephros is a developer and marketer of filtration medical device products for therapeutic applications, infection control, and water purification.

The Nephros DSU is FDA approved for filtration of biological contaminants from water and bicarbonate concentrate used in hemodialysis procedures.

The Nephros DSU filters particles down to the 0.005-micron level and addresses dialysate contamination at crucial points: after the reverse osmosis module and at the dialysis machine entrance from the water distribution loop. The DSU filter can be used as the last step in the water purification process to ensure ultrapure water for dialysis procedures.

Jim Baker, president of AmeriWater, said: “The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) Renal Disease and Detoxification Committee has approved the integration of standard RD52 with the new ISO23500 international standards.

“When released, the new standard will significantly lower the recommended tolerable endotoxin levels for water used to make dialysate. It is important that portable water systems can meet these standards on a consistent basis. The Nephros filter provides additional filtration to meet these standards.”

Diane Dolan, CEO of AmeriWater, said: “With the new proposed AAMI standards, it became clear that many of the dialysis centers would have to work harder to achieve these new standards, especially the ones that utilize portable RO’s because of their sporadic use.

“Our decision to add the Nephros filter as a standard component on our portables will help ensure that the water used for dialysis will be of the highest quality for the patients.”

Paul Mieyal, acting CEO of Nephros, said: “Nephros applauds the proactive step that AmeriWater has taken to meet the new endotoxin standards and is proud to be working together to provide added safety to dialysis patients.”