Roche NimbleGen applications process customer samples for copy number variation, DNA methylation analysis, gene expression analysis, and DNA-protein interactions and chromatin structure.
Ambry Genetics said it has passed a rigorous certification test plan with precise experimental standards to add the certification of these applications to their service portfolio.
Ambry Genetics CSO Anja Kammesheidt said in addition to providing NimbleGen Sequence Capture services, they are excited to offer microarray services as a certified service provider for all applications including array CGH, gene expression, methylation and ChIP-chip.
Roche NimbleGen CEO Frank Pitzer said Ambry Genetics has now been certified to provide services on all of their array applications which use the robust NimbleGen MS 200 Scanner workflow.
"We look forward to our collaboration with Ambry Genetics to further drive innovation with the research market and expand the use of NimbleGen products to end customers via a certified service provider," Pitzer said.