The INOVA H3-5 syringe line operates within a Restricted Access Barrier System (RABS) and incorporates the ability to fill under vacuum, which facilitates handling of viscous products and products that require minimal head space.
The product line is located in Althea’s large scale and commercial manufacturing facility in San Diego.
The line accommodates nested syringes from a variety of suppliers and can produce batch sizes in excess of 100,000 units and the system incorporates non-destructive, in-process weight checks to minimise product loss, Althea Technologies said.
Althea Technologies CEO Shabbir Anik said that the prefilled syringe market is rapidly expanding as it provides numerous benefits relating to patient compliance and product differentiation.
“With our existing expertise in formulation development and protein analytics, we can now offer clients an integrated solution to quickly develop, register, and launch their products in prefilled syringes,” Anik said.