The WaveSense App is developed by a blood glucose meter manufacturer and is available on the iTunes App Store by Apple, Inc. (AAPL). The app is available for download at no charge. The company says their app, in development and testing for over a year, lays the foundation for a series of products to come that will take advantage of the iPhone and other mobile technology platforms to assist people with diabetes in the management of their disease.

The WaveSense App combines the latest in user interface design, diabetes data management, and mobile technology to enable people with diabetes to better manage their disease. The app provides users with a number of cutting edge features including easy-to-use data entry, dynamic graphing of glucose data, automatic mealtime tagging of results, integrated food intake, activity, and medication data management, insulin dosage management, statistical analysis of glucose results, integrated emailing of results, on-screen help menus and user-personalizable settings.

“Leveraging mobile technology to deliver better patient care is a major trend in the making and has the potential to transform the management of chronic diseases, such as diabetes,” says Dr. Irl Hirsch, an internationally recognized diabetes specialist and Professor of Medicine at the University of Washington. “With the launch of the WaveSense Diabetes Manager, WaveSense is setting the bar in the new disease management paradigm with a combination of an extensive feature set and very intuitive user interface. I’m eagerly awaiting their pipeline of products which will no doubt be cutting-edge and first-in-category.”

I’ve been involved with the development of several apps for the App Store, and am impressed with this medical app’s outstanding utility and thoughtful design. I’m personally excited by the app because it affects me on a more personal level since my grandfather suffers from diabetes. says Benjamin Satterfield, CEO of 23 Divide and creator of Gigotron, most recently known for garnering the Best Mobile App Award at the South by Southwest Interactive Web Awards.