The Hemopurifier selectively adsorb viruses and immunosuppressive toxins from the bloodstream. The device enhances the benefit of antiviral drug regimens. It provides a therapeutic option against infectious viruses not addressed by drug and vaccine therapies.

The company has already unveiled that studies previously conducted by USAMRIID have documented the Hemopurifier captures approximately 50% of both wild type and mutant strains of ZEBOV from fluids during one hour in vitro studies. ZEBOV has the highest virus case-fatality rate, up to 90% in some epidemics, with an average case fatality rate of approximately 83% over 27 years.

It is an honor and privilege to have USAMRIID researchers test the capability of our Hemopurifier against Ebola and other highly lethal pathogens, stated Aethlon Chairman and CEO, Jim Joyce. USAMRIID, located at Fort Detrick, Maryland.