The device is also equipped with built-in FreeStyle Auto-Assist software that enables patients to track progress, analyze trends and display data for their health care providers. The software can be downloaded by users to a computer via USB connectivity.

The Abbott device is designed to use FreeStyle technology to help insulin-using patients monitor their blood glucose levels to allow them to more effectively manage their condition, and is compatible with the FreeStyle InsuLinx blood glucose test strips.

Abbott Diabetes Care senior vice president Heather Mason said the new FreeStyle InsuLinx System represents the company’s latest advancement in delivering innovative products for people with diabetes who use insulin.

"The improved functionality, data sharing tools and personalization features are designed to improve the diabetes management experience for patients. We are excited to make this product available to diabetes patients in the United States," Mason added.

The Abbott’s blood glucose monitor will be available in the US in the coming months.