The Medical Device Manufacturing Centre (MDMC), which is based at the Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland, has entered into a partnership with Technology Scotland to expedite the progression of new medical and healthcare solutions to market.

A five-year agreement has been signed by the parties in this regard.

According to Heriot-Watt, the deal will enable MDMC-supported small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to engage with Technology Scotland. This will be particularly with Technology Scotland’s Product Design Scotland Network to advance design requirements with a focus particularly on the sustainability of medical devices.

The knowledge, know-how, and innovation generated will be subsequently shared throughout Heriot-Watt’s global campuses, including those in Malaysia and Dubai, as well as the partner academic institutions of the facility.

Technology Scotland CEO Alastair McInroy said: “Technologies developed within Scotland’s enabling technologies sector have long supported our vibrant life sciences industry.

“Realising the potential of these technologies, and successfully navigating the journey from concept to commercialisation, requires careful integration of design processes and frameworks.

“Through our Product Design Scotland network, Technology Scotland is delighted to be partnering with MDMC to provide life science SMEs with improved access to Scotland’s excellent design capabilities.”

The MDMC is a consortium that comprises the University of Edinburgh, the University of Glasgow, and Robert Gordon University. It is engaged in assisting Scottish SMEs in turning medical device concepts into marketable products.

Besides, MDMC is said to provide technically supported access to its £2m specialised manufacturing facilities and offers free guidance to 115 SMEs on manufacturing engineering, regulatory concerns, and funding.

Technology Scotland is a representative body for the Enabling Technology Sector in Scotland. It supports a community of more than 125 industrial and academic member organisations through its Photonics Scotland, Product Design Scotland, and MaaS Scotland networks.

MDMC director Duncan Hand said: “We are a nation of innovators, but it is essential that expert support is more easily and consistently accessible to SMEs to translate their game changing innovations into devices that can be more quickly adopted for the benefit of patient care.

“Our new strategic partnership will further accelerate Scotland’s offering in this area, ensuring our nation retains a world-leading position in the field of medical device creation.”