Royal Philips and BioIntelliSense have been selected to receive the US Department of Defence (DoD) funding of around $2.8m to validate the latter’s FDA approved BioSticker device for the early detection of Covid-19 symptoms.

The companies selected by the US Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC) will receive the DoD funding through a Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium (MTEC).

The award aims to advance the use of wearable diagnostics through the early identification and containment of pre-symptomatic Covid-19 cases.

Philips North America chief market leader Vitor Rocha said: “To turn the tide on Covid-19, the public and private sectors need to use every available tool in their arsenal, which includes looking at new ways of how we can create solutions for early disease detection.

“No one organization will be able to combat Covid-19 alone, but working together, we hope to develop a solution that will allow people to understand if they are in the early stages of illness, and take the appropriate actions to help limit spread and get the treatment they need.”

BioSticker to be validated at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

The validation of BioSticker device includes a clinical study in 2,500 eligible participants with a recent, known Covid-19 exposure or with early Covid-19 symptoms.

Focused on validation of the BioSticker, the study will also evaluate scalability, reliability, software interface, and user environment testing.

The study is planned to be conducted in collaboration with the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.

BioSticker facilitates continuous multi-parameter vital signs monitoring for 30 days and captures data across different vital signs including physiological biometrics and symptomatic events, including those directly related to Covid-19.

In July 2020, Philips has teamed up with BioIntelliSense to integrate the medical grade wearable BioSticker device into its remote patient monitoring (RPM) solution.

With the integration, Philips’ remote patient monitoring offerings are enabled to convert data into actionable insights and care interventions.

BioIntelliSense founder and CEO James Mault said: “The medical-grade BioSticker wearable, combined with advanced diagnostic algorithms, may serve as the basis for identifying pre- and very early symptomatic Covid-19 cases, allow for earlier treatment for infected individuals, as well as reduce the spread of the virus to others.”