The contract resulted from the recommendation of hospital experts serving on one of Vizient’s member-led councils.

Vizient, the largest member-driven health care performance improvement company in the US, awards Innovative Technology contracts to companies with technologies that demonstrate an ability to enhance clinical care or patient safety, and those that improve an organization’s care delivery and business model.

Vizient’s Innovative Technology program leader and procurement director Debbie Archer said: “Due to the number of products and services being released and marketed as ‘innovative,’ our member hospitals value the thorough review process in place at Vizient to help them identify products worth further evaluation at their own facilities.

“After a full review of the Carnation Ambulatory Monitor, Vizient’s member council agreed this solution offers unique and incremental benefit over other available products on the market today and recommended it for an Innovative Technology contract. We are pleased to award this new contract to Bardy Diagnostics.”

Unlike other cardiac patch monitors on the market, the CAM is the first ambulatory ECG monitor with high fidelity, novel detection technology that reliably records the P-wave, the small amplitude ECG signal that is essential to accurate arrhythmia diagnosis and the determination of appropriate medical treatments or procedural interventions.

CAM reporting is enabled by BDxCONNECT, a cloud-based ECG analysis and patient management portal that can be tailored to support different clinical workflows and the care delivery needs and business model of a specific provider or health system.

Bardy Diagnostics chief commercial officer Ken Nelson said: “We are delighted that Vizient’s member-led council selected the CAM for an Innovative Technology contract. We look forward to working with Vizient’s diverse membership to develop strong relationships that will improve patient outcomes with the use of our CAM patch and monitoring services.”

Commenting on the novel attributes of the CAM, BDx founder and CEO Gust Bardy said: “Our P-wave centric CAM recordings are distilled into clinically-actionable data represented in a proprietary report format incorporating beat-to-beat R-R interval plots – a feature not available with any other product or service. We appreciate the recognition and distribution opportunity offered by Vizient and its members.”

Vizient  represents the combined strengths of the organizations formerly known as VHA, University HealthSystem Consortium, Novation, and MedAssets’ Spend and Clinical Resource Management.

Since 2003, nearly 2200 new and innovative products and technologies have been submitted through the Vizient Innovative Technology program. Vizient works with member-led councils and task forces to identify and review potentially innovative products. If it is determined that a product is innovative, a contract may be awarded outside of Vizient’s competitive bid cycle.

Source: Company Press Release.