VIVUS, a biopharmaceutical company, today announced the accelerated launch of the telemedicine and remote monitoring modules of the VIVUS Health Platform. Participating physicians will be able to use the VIVUS Health Platform to conduct virtual office visits, regardless of whether or not the patient is prescribed a VIVUS product.  The Company expects to enroll 150-200 physicians into the new modules each week.

“Effective communication around health conditions, such as obesity, can be difficult under the best of circumstances, and are even more challenging in the current environment in which patients, physicians, and care facilities are adhering to social distancing guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  These guidelines also make it difficult for cystic fibrosis patients, who are at increased risk of COVID-19 due to their compromised lung function, to consult with their healthcare providers,” said John Amos, Chief Executive Officer at VIVUS.  “We have rapidly accelerated the launch of our telemedicine and remote monitoring modules to facilitate communication during this unprecedented pandemic and ensure that patients can receive optimum care without leaving their homes.”

The VIVUS Health Platform is designed to integrate pharmaceutical solutions, technology and clinical stakeholders to improve patient outcomes through increased information capture, resulting in enhanced patient access, increased adoption, and treatment durability.  It includes the VIVUS Advantage Programs, which offer Patient Assistance Programs to facilitate access to medication for uninsured or underinsured patients with obesity or exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, and also allows patients prescribed VIVUS medications to have their prescriptions filled online and sent directly to their homes.

The telemedicine and remote monitoring modules are designed to leverage normal clinical practices without disrupting routine clinical operations.  While the patient-physician interaction takes place virtually through the VIVUS Health Platform, powered by Vital Tech, all other activities, such as scheduling, patient administration, billing, etc., take place utilizing existing clinic processes and resources.  The telemedicine module is configured for easy and rapid activation, allowing physician offices and clinics to implement the platform with minimal effort.

Remote patient monitoring is integrated into the VIVUS Health Platform through the Apple Health Kit, Apple Watch, and a wide variety of blue tooth-enabled health devices that will include weight scales, pulse oximeters, spirometers to measure lung function, and blood pressure cuffs.  Data from these devices and the Apple Health Kit are transmitted and collated directly into the VIVUS Health Platform, which can be accessed by the patient’s physician.  Physicians can utilize these data to monitor a patient’s vital functions, and can implement or adapt treatment to achieve or maintain target goals for important health metrics.

There are no upfront or monthly fees, and physicians pay a fee only for each telemedicine visit and/or for remote patient monitoring.  The VIVUS Health Platform is also not limited by a patient’s health insurance plan.

“Obesity is an epidemic in its own right, and in this time of social distancing, patients may find it more difficult to adhere to a healthy diet and activity goals.  Patients with cystic fibrosis are challenged day-to-day with the need to avoid respiratory infections, a challenge that is even more critical during the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic underscores the critical importance of helping patients manage health conditions that increase their susceptibility to other diseases,” added Santosh T. Varghese, MD, Senior Vice President, Chief Medical Officer at VIVUS.  “VIVUS is committed to addressing these challenges by increasing access to care through telemedicine, online fulfillment of prescriptions, and data collection from smart health devices that allow patients and healthcare providers to monitor health progress in real-time.  Additionally, we are expanding this platform into the clinical trial space as we address the challenges of conducting studies in this new environment.”

Source: Company Press Release