TriSalus Life Sciences (formerly Surefire Medical Inc.), a company committed to treating cancer at its origins, today announced that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) granted approval for transitional pass-through (TPT) payment for its Surefire Spark Infusion System. Effective January 1, 2020, Surefire Spark Infusion System (to be known as TriNav) was granted transitional pass-through payment status as part of the 2020 Medicare Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System and Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System (CMS-1717-FC) final rule posted on November 1, 2019.

This additional payment is intended to “facilitate access for [Medicare] beneficiaries to the advantages of new and truly innovative devices”. The Surefire Spark Infusion System met the required criteria to receive transitional pass-through status, with the CMS saying it believes there is no existing pass-through payment category for this device because of its Pressure-Enabled Drug Delivery (PEDD) valve, which offers a unique mechanism for therapy delivery to selected sites in the peripheral vascular system, including solid tumors in the liver and pancreas.

“We thank CMS for its efforts to expand access to devices such as our Surefire Spark Infusion System that provide improved benefits to patients,” said Mary Szela, President and CEO of TriSalus. “As we transform TriSalus into an oncology therapeutics focused company dedicated to improving outcomes in solid tumors, this highly favorable reimbursement status validates our innovative delivery system and confirms its role in our unique, multi-pronged approach to treat liver metastases and pancreatic cancer.”

Source: Company Press Release