Swiss medicine software company SOPHiA GENETICS has partnered with consumer electronics company Agilent Technologies to provide a solution for cancer analysis.

Under the partnership, SOPHiA will integrate its SOPHiA DDM Platform with Agilent’s new research-use-only SureSelect cancer comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) assay kit.

SOPHiA DDM is a cloud-native platform designed to analyse data and generate insights using complex multimodal data sets and different diagnostic modalities.

The integration will help clinical researchers accurately identify multiple biomarkers, and reduce the risk of missing important information in cancer samples.

The partnership combines the two companies’ strengths in analytics and next-generation sequencing (NGS) assay development.

SOPHiA GENETICS business development and marketing vice president Kevin Puylaert said: “Working with Agilent means combining best-in-class profiling practices with rich data and insights.

“Together, we can break traditional barriers that often limit new discoveries, democratising access to data-driven medicine around the world.”

SOPHiA GENETICS is customising to match Agilent’s target enrichment technology to provide users access to an advanced solution that detects multiple tumour markers.

With the SOPHiA DDM Platform, users will have an integrated solution, in line with the information and input from the latest guidelines and clinical trials.

SOPHiA and Agilent’s combined efforts will help the labs bring cancer analysis in-house without needing to send out samples or output data to other vendors and labs.

The in-house cancer analysis would users to keep their bio-informatic information stay in their hands, for future reference or research.

Furthermore, Italy-based research and genetics laboratory TomaLab is participating in an early-access program that is currently underway.

TomaLab CEO Vittorio Grazioli said: “Our laboratory is excited by the Agilent and SOPHiA GENETICS partnership and the release of their integrated CGP solution.

“Combining high-quality reagents, automation options, and powerful analytics into one unique workflow will help us maximise insights from CGP data while improving our efficiency.”

Agilent Technologies integrated genomics division general manager and vice president Kevin Meldrum said: “We chose to partner with SOPHiA GENETICS to leverage their analytical and reporting capabilities, which complement our SureSelect Cancer CGP panel.”