Operation StaySafe announced the launch of a charter coalition of leading companies from America’s medical testing industry with a mission to test and protect American cities and businesses in order to jump-start the economy by getting people back to work and spending again.

The StaySafe Coalition of companies, representing the entire value chain of medical testing from test kits to field medical professionals to labs, have formed an industry-wide solution capable of large-scale, inclusive and nationwide COVID-19 testing.  The coalition will facilitate multiple testing methods for American citizens, essential workers, and businesses to provide renewed consumer confidence and propel the American economy.

The group already has available lab capacity and supplies greater than any individual company in the industry – 45,000 molecular diagnostic tests/day or 315,000/week with an average turnaround time of 24 hours. That capacity is growing daily as more labs join.

“This is an important moment for everyone,” says John Souza, CEO of Reliant BioMedical, Operation StaySafe’s founding member. “In order to restore the confidence of the American public and restart the economy, we must make comprehensive and persistent testing available to all citizens – first responders, employees, the elderly, and those most in need.”

Operation StaySafe will work hand in hand with government and business leaders to deliver a range of medically supervised, non-invasive tests including: saliva, mid-nasal and others at locations ranging from at home to work, labs, soccer fields and more. Each plan is customized to include locations, test types, frequency and other considerations.

“We designed the StaySafe coalition to operate with an Open Business Architecture,” says Paul Kirchoff, CEO of D1Labs.io, another Operation StaySafe founding member. “Every member is laying aside competitive concerns to come together in order to create this enormous end-to-end capacity for our family, friends, cities and country. Every American business is welcome to join this commitment to testing.”

Operation StaySafe’s flexible and comprehensive testing solutions are capable of delivering medically supervised tests at a range of locations which allows for flexible but persistent solutions including Business Confidence testing that ensures employees have the confidence to return to a tested workplace and customers feel comfortable doing business again. The group will soon announce solutions for education institutions, events and more.

Source: Company Press Release