US-based medical device company Masimo and University Hospitals have jointly announced an economical scalable remote patient management system, Masimo Safety Net, which is aimed to support COVID-19 response efforts.

The telehealth solution combines the company’s tetherless Radius PPG pulse oximetry and Doctella, a secure, home-based remote patient surveillance platform. Radius PPG pulse oximetry is driven by Masimo SET Measure-through Motion and Low Perfusion technology.

Masimo Safety Net is accessible from an iOS or Android smartphone

The remote patient management system is said to be accessible via an iOS or Android smartphone or smart device.

Masimo founder and CEO Joe Kiani said: “We thank the nurses and doctors who are bravely toiling in hospitals taking care of us all during this pandemic. We are delighted that we can help them triage and effectively take care of COVID-19 patients the best they can with Masimo SafetyNet.

“It has been a delight to work with UH to bring this technology to the health care industry to help them address the challenges they face during this unprecedented time.”

In order to prepare for an increase in COVID-19 patients while maintaining the safety of other patients and providers, the new solution enables UH and other hospitals to expand patient monitoring at homes or to other facility locations set up temporarily to care for the increased demand. 

Masimo and UH are meeting the current WHO guidelines recommended for monitoring of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients’ oxygen saturation (SpO2), respiration rate (RR), and temperature by adapting existing technology to provide a secure remote solution.

The new patient management system provides care teams a single-platform solution that couples a secure, cloud-based surveillance platform with clinically proven SET pulse oximetry, estimated to be employed on over 200 million patients annually.

Additionally to SpO2, Radius PPG is capable of continuously monitoring pulse rate (PR), perfusion index, PVi, and RRp, respiration rate from the photoplethysmograph.

UH chief clinical transformation officer Peter Pronovost said: “We appreciate Masimo’s immediate collaboration to stand up this innovative platform that will significantly aid in our ability to scale up remote monitoring and meet the demand for patient care while addressing capacity and safety issues.

“For our patients with congestive heart failure or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), we can provide them with this remote monitoring capability so they do not risk a COVID-19 infection by being near potentially infected patients.

“Similarly, for patients with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis, we can appropriately isolate them from other patients while ensuring they have the access to state-of-the-art care for managing their health through the recovery process.”