Fullpower Technologies, “The sleep technology company,” today announced that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued U.S. Patent 10,463,300, Fullpower’s 11th sleep-focused patent. The patent covers user monitoring systems for sleep technology, smart-home, and wearable device areas.

“This is the eleventh sleep-focused eligible U.S. patent Fullpower has been granted for our advanced sleep technology platform, and it reflects our strategy to broaden and diversify our intellectual property portfolio to obtain protection for the many innovations of the Sleeptracker® AI technology platform,” said Philippe Kahn, Chairman of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. “In this case, we believe our technology offers novel and potentially superior options and reflects on our deep investment in sleep technology innovation. This represents significant unmet medical, smart-home and wearable needs with large market opportunities.”

The market opportunity for sleep technology is large and growing. For example, according to Statista.com, the size of the U.S. mattress market is projected to be $14.47 billion in 2020 and growing.

With sleep being one-third of everyone’s lives, the opportunities to use Fullpower non-invasive polysomnography-level technology to improve sleep quality outcomes represent strategic opportunities.

Source: Company Press Release