Evoq Technologies has announced the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) registration of SmartERG Platform, its new solution for testing retinal health.

SmartERG is said to be the first device in a product line that the company developed using its advanced smartphone-based biosensor technology.

The device works by flashing a controlled light at the eye, to evoke an electrical-physiological response from the retina to obtain information about retinal health.

It detects the signs of retinal disease that may progress to cause vision loss or blindness, based on delay or reduction in visual responses.

Also, SmartERG Platform is capable of collecting and analysing data on the smartphone of the user, under the guidance of a healthcare provider.

Evoq Technologies president Daniel Lindgren said: “Our SmartERG Platform will offer a revolutionary delivery method for ophthalmic patient care; with the force multipliers of simple connection of patient to provider, cloud-based analytical services, and a perfect fit for artificial intelligence.

“We are paving the way for cost-effective screening for retinal disease, such as Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), Diabetic Retinopathy, and Glaucoma effectively using the same standard-of-care as equivalent legacy diagnostic devices, but at fraction of the cost, delivered worldwide.”

Evoq said that its first smartphone product Biophotometer for testing dark adaptation impairment was developed as a Class I medical device.

The company intends to conduct clinical trials of its ophthalmic biosensor and speciality stimulators next year to obtain FDA approval as class II medical device.

Evoq is a Nevada, US-based privately held company focused on medical devices, with an experienced team of scientists and engineers, clinicians, and business professionals.

The company aims to improve the technology for doctors and scientists to help discover and develop new treatments for blindness, low vision, and other neurological diseases.

Furthermore, Evoq is looking for licensing and partnership opportunities with medical device, pharmaceutical, and health delivery stakeholders.