CHF Solutions announced the Aquadex FlexFlow system has been licensed and approved for sale in India, making ultrafiltration therapy available for patients suffering from hypervolemia, or fluid overload, in one of the largest countries in the world.

“We are pleased to have reached this important regulatory milestone and look forward to working with our distributor, Wayinia Lifesciences, to launch the Aquadex system in India this year and provide a safe and effective solution for heart failure patients, our primary clinical focus in this country,” said John Erb, chairman and CEO of CHF Solutions.

Approximately 4.5 million individuals suffer from heart failure in India. The company further estimates that there are approximately 485,000 hospitalizations each year for heart failure due to fluid overload, of which approximately 330,000 patients (68%) experience fluid overload with less than optimal diuretic response.

Source: Company Press Release