Admetsys Corporation, a biomedical technology company specializing in critical care automation, announced today that it received European regulatory approval (CE Mark) for its flagship PrecisionOne™ automated glycemic control and continuous diagnostics system.

The PrecisionOne system functions as a metabolic autopilot, providing automated glucose regulation and real-time analysis of blood chemistry values for critical care patients. The majority of these patients experience hyperglycemia and metabolic instability caused by their acute condition and exacerbated by preexisting conditions such as diabetes. This increases mortality, morbidity, length of stay, and cost of care. To date, no automated glucose regulation tools have been available in the hospital.

COVID-19 dramatically illuminates the clinical need addressed by the PrecisionOne system. Among hospitalized COVID patients, hyperglycemia increases mortality 4-fold in diabetic populations and 7-fold in non-diabetic populations. Moreover, because the current standard of care requires close-contact workflow, efforts to better regulate patient glucose levels expose medical professionals to additional contagion and infection risk.

Care automation, such as that by the PrecisionOne system, enables hospitals to provide safer, more effective care that can scale to meet peak demand, with less manual intervention by clinicians. This is a key element of COVID-19 response, and a fundamental factor in hospital preparedness for future public health needs.

“High-precision automation is crucial to improving care safety, quality, scalability, and economics,” said Jeff Valk, CEO of Admetsys. “During COVID, we’ve seen excess demand for ICU care cause a society-wide shutdown; we’ve seen tragically high patient mortality when glucose isn’t well controlled; and we’ve seen front-line clinicians continually placed at risk. Critical care automation, and glucose control in particular, have never been more important. We’re thrilled to be able to make a positive impact on the lives and health of so many people.”

The CE Mark gives Admetsys the ability to market the PrecisionOne system commercially in 32 European countries as well as other countries around the world having mutual recognition processes.

Source: Company Press Release