The Exam-PACS was selected for its advanced features and ease of use as well as CoActiv’s technological expertise and ability to partner with the practice to meet its requirements, ProHealth said.

ProHealth said that the practice has stored its Exams on CDs and maintained a large in-house courier staff prior to the installation of CoActiv Exam-PACS to hand carry them to their radiology provider.

ProHealth Diagnostic Imaging Services Director Norm Robillard said that they wanted PACS to interface directly with their Allscripts electronic health records (EHR) and practice management systems so that radiology reports could move directly into the EHR without involving a RIS, which meant the system would have to be configured to enable radiologists to dictate directly into the PACS itself.

"The PACS installation brought together a large team of modality vendors and our in-house network, wiring and other technology specialistsCoActiv was very much a part of that team and worked tirelessly to ensure our goals were met," Robillard said.

ProHealth said that all Exam reports are stored in CoActiv’s cloud-based Exam-Vault Quad-Redundant Archive, which duplicates data in four different locations for safety and business continuity.

In mobile locations, sonographers connect ultrasound devices and computers directly and securely into the network and conduct Exams as if they were working at a ProHealth imaging site, said the company.