The Personal KinetiGraph device has been developed to improve the assessment and monitoring of symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, as well as other neurological disorders that affect movement.

Global Kinetics managing director and CEO Andrew Maxwell said the device offers clinicians with a clear and accurate assessment of the patient experience outside of office visits and examinations.

"Monitoring changes in a patient’s movement symptoms is a critical element in the treatment of Parkinson’s and many other movement disorders, but it can be difficult for both patients and healthcare providers to identify and assess changes in movement symptoms effectively," Maxwell added.

According to the company, the device alerts patients when it is time to take medication as prescribed and track when medication is taken to help improve treatment compliance.

The device has been developed by neurologists at the Melbourne-based Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health.

Global Kinetics co-founder and chief scientific officer Malcolm Horne said: "In many cases when we discuss changes in movement symptoms with Parkinson’s patients, they are unable to recall specific information that can help doctors understand whether their disease is progressing and, if so, how rapidly."