GI-View Ltd announced that it will be completing the study of Aer-O-Scope by April 2010.
It is a colonoscopy system that has a miniaturized design, self-propelling and self-navigating action. An electro-optical capsule is embedded in the front of a lightweight balloon vehicle, while low pressure colon insufflation with CO2 propels the balloon, causing it to glide along the ‘slippery’ colon walls without forceful maneuvering. The Aer-O-Scope’s visual system provides simultaneous 360 degree viewing of the colon mucosal surface, potentially eliminating the need for continuous tip manipulation as in colonoscopy, and potentially decreasing the chance of missing polyps hidden behind mucosal folds.
The double center study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the Aer-O-Scope in traveling through the colon in low risk subjects. This 100 patient study is not yet open for participant recruitment. The official title of the study is “A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Performance & Safety of the Aer-O-Scope Traveling Through the Colon in Low Risk Subjects”.